perm filename SUE[RDG,DBL] blob sn#601623 filedate 1981-07-28 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	∂24-Mar-81  1538	SUE at SCI-ICS 	news
C00005 00003	∂24-Mar-81  1628	SUE at SCI-ICS 	more meaningless messages    
C00007 00004	∂31-Mar-81  1422	SUE at SCI-ICS 	a dirty limerick   
C00009 00005	∂09-Apr-81  1422	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	cheese
C00010 00006	∂09-Apr-81  2355	SUE at SCI-ICS 	bulk cheese   
C00011 00007	∂Mailed to SUE 15:49 22-Apr
C00013 00008	∂Mailed to SUE  15:54 1-May
C00015 00009	∂TO SUE@SCI 13:42 17-Jul
C00017 ENDMK
∂24-Mar-81  1538	SUE at SCI-ICS 	news
Date: 24 March 1981  15:37-PST (Tuesday)
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: rdg at sail
Subject: news

There's no rainbow outside.

Why haven't i heard from you recently.  I hear you found a girl -- i'm
always interested in these romantic stories.

∂Mailed to SUE@SCI 16:06 24-Mar
Meaningless Asides
...and all this while I was asking myself that same question...
("Why haven't i heard from you recently[?]")
Actually, I've been hoping you would meander by 
before/after one of your exciting, provocative Stanford classes.
I wasn't trying to avoid you... 

"Found a girl" -- well, I'm now seeing a young, but still post pubescent, lady,
in between her hosital visits.  Long story here - one which she, unfortuantely,
prefers not repeated.

I just returned from an exciting (yawn) trip to LA, whereat I learning the
futility (impossibility) of disenchanting another -- that is, I spent
a few days trying to convince Fay of the enormity of my inabilities; to
no avail.
I also spent some more-enjoyable time with my 3rd cousin/friend, Bonnie.  
(As Tom may have mentioned, he knows here, indirectly, as well.)
Anyway she'll be up this way early next month.

In between these visits, I yakked with our good friends at Rand.
That venture will be financially profitable, but may prove an intellectual
dead end.

So how's by you?  And Steve ____ (← isn't thatoh-so-clever?) ?
and SCI? etc.

∂24-Mar-81  1628	SUE at SCI-ICS 	more meaningless messages    

Oh, sorry i will meander over the next time i'm there.  I hope this
new girl is more enjoyable than Fay....

My life has been sort of exciting this past week.  Steve and i found a
house in Palo Alto (on Byron near Palo Alto Ave near the creek)  that
we are attmepting to buy.  (tom says we have sold out.  I'm ignoring

How was Rand?  Are you working on Rosie?  I am working on nothing as i
have spring fever and have just stared out the window all week.  (i
did clean off my desk today, but that's about it).

We'll have to all get together and have Chinese food again.  (You can
bring your new friend -- i hope she's not too sick.  Or is she in the
hospital studying to be a doctor?)   Tell me when we can get together
and i'll ask tom.....

∂31-Mar-81  1422	SUE at SCI-ICS 	a dirty limerick   
To: tom at SCI-ICS, rdg at sail

	I teach nubile cuties coition:
	I charge not a dime for tuition:
	  I teach 'em the ways
	  In which a prick plays,
	And I fuck 'em in any position!

∂Mailed to SUE (CC TOM) 14:24 31-Mar
The friends you hang around with...
Stanford's bookstore has a collection of limericks, by topic.
It includes a host of such smutty ones...
When's your birthday?

∂31-Mar-81  1433	SUE at SCI-ICS 	Feb 10   
when's yours?

∂Mailed to SUE@SCI 17:42 31-Mar
... and the answer is ...
When the moon is full over Manhatten,
And the swallow flying, full figured, over booked;
Then, yes then, is the day when ...

Actually it's  XXIV - IV - LV

∂09-Apr-81  1422	PRESSBURGER at SCI-ICS 	cheese
Date: Thursday, 9 April 1981  14:10-PST
To: rdg at sail
Subject: cheese

are you in a cheese club?  if not, are you interest in buying chesse
with me and tom at the milk pail? if you are, what is it? 

sue (alias tom)

∂Mailed to SUE, TOM  14:31 9-Apr
to sue, via tom
No, Maybe, NA
Elizabeth can, apparently, get Chesse dirt cheap from the BriarPatch.
What are your prices -- on say, Brie, Jarlesburg, and Swiss?

How are you, by the way?
	Russ (alias Russ)
∂09-Apr-81  2355	SUE at SCI-ICS 	bulk cheese   
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>

The bulk prices apply not only to cheese but nuts, raisins, fig bars,
dairy products, etc.  

Cheese prices:
		1lb		3lb		6lb
Brie		3.95		3.85		3.80
Jarlesburg	3.00		2.85		2.70
Utah Swiss	2.50		2.35		2.20
Emmenthaler	3.35		3.15		2.95

Other things:
Raisins		1.39		1.19
Walnuts		2.25		2.05
Fig Bars	1.55		1.42 (5 lbs)


∂Mailed to SUE 15:49 22-Apr
Well, you can stop holding your breath.
Much as I'd like to introduce my friend Deborah to you, Tom, Steve, and
the rest, over dinner, I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible.  For reasons
beyond my puny comprehension, Deborah's only feeling towards me is an
intense hatred.  My only assumption is that she's subconsciously connected
me with the series of very tragic events which happened to her recently.
I'm been unable to verify this assumption, as she has closed all possible
channels of communications, and ordered me out of life in the strongest
possible terms.

I would be curious in a second opinion.  (Actually, an nth perspective --
each person I've thus far yakked with has offered a different set of
comments, often quite interesting.)  If you've, say, an hour one day, and
a desire to play amatuer psychologist, give me a call.  I'd appreciate it.

Take care, 

∂Mailed to SUE 12:47 25-Apr
What, where when
∂23-Apr-81  2050	SUE at SCI-ICS 	I should be there in pm tomorrow  

Huh - I guess our paths never crossed (I waited around until about 6).
Maybe some other time...?
∂Mailed to SUE  15:54 1-May
I just heard about both of your "achievements" --
wrt both your new abode and spouse.
How does it feel to enter "middle America"?

(Still waiting for you to meander by.  Just say when...)

∂05-May-81  0916	SUE at SCI-ICS 	middle amerika
Date: 5 May 1981  09:08-PDT (Tuesday)
From: SUE at SCI-ICS
To: Russell Greiner <RDG at SU-AI>
Subject: middle amerika

My new abode is wonderful.  Steve is the same.
Sorry i have been such a poor friend and not come to see you.  
Of course i can offer excuses but that's not the point, i guess.
I'm on campus friday afternoons and i'm writing on my calander that i
should see you THIS friday (if that's okay).

∂Mailed to SUE 11:05 5-May
Quick, quick, erase that calendar!!!
Know knead two apple-I-jies... Eye to half bean bizzie: 
Meandering to SRI yesterday, and popping down to Rand this Thursday --
so I'll have to take a rain check on redeeming your rain check (read visit)
until after I return, circa Tuesday.

(I didn't know your terminal had capital letters.  Or is your first
major concession to your new life-style a capitalize name?)
∂TO SUE@SCI 13:42 17-Jul
Yak, yak, yak...
Sue -
	Long time, no see (or hear, smell, touch ...)
How're things there?  Elizabeth tells me Steve (W) told her that you
told him (good thing there were only one male in that sentence, to help
disambiguate that last referent,) that you were "really" tying the knot
Congradulations, and all that!  Has a date been set?

	Tom tells me that you're leaving secure, comfortable, informative SCI.
Ahh...  Onto a new job, at a not-AI-ish place, I understand.  Good luck!
For when is that move set?

	Finally, did Steve W give you a little giftee?  I gave Bill Gaver
a thingee to give to Elizabeth, to forward to Steve W, to reach you.
(At the time I was just recovering from some ailment, and didn't feel much
like either transporting it to you; or waiting to finish convalessing(sp) before
conveying it to you.)  Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, if you have received it.
And if not, nudge Steve, to nudge Elizabeth, to nudge Bill, to ...
